April 26, 2004

as everyone well knows,
there's been that tragedy with the train accident and explosion in north corea..
so far more than 160 dead and more than 1300 injured,
but that's only what they report..
they won't let anyone in to see the wreckage...

on top of that, they don't want relief coming by land..
they'd rather it come by sea...
some choice words that come to mind are: arrogant, asinine & suicidal..
(which reminds me of another "idiot son of an asshole", but that's for a different day..)

yes~, while my comrade is bleeding to death,
i can wait 2 days for his medical supplies rather than 4 hours...

April 18, 2004

why stress myself...
i don't need stress..
so, i've decided.. i'm going to audit that lame 8am linear algebra course..
i'd rather put more emphasis on this 10 page research essay..
and have fun learning about the gin craze and industrial revolution from dr fisher..

whew~ that's a load off my shoulders...

April 15, 2004

i finally fixed my uncle's computer..
fixed is an understatement.. i built him a brand-spankin new one..

rules of purchasing a computer:

#1. never ever purchase compaq
unless u get turned on by horrible customer service..
in which case, u are very sick and need help...
or unless u honestly didn't know any better..

sidenote: i don't know where they got it or why,
but their towers are a mod's nightmare.. *shudder*

more rules to come...

April 13, 2004

i never study for the first exam of the season...
my theory is that i'll be so upset about how bad i did
that it'll drive my inner obsessive compulsive bitch to do uber-well the rest of the term....
cuz god knows the carrot-on-a-stick tactic doesn't do shit..

April 08, 2004

if you haven't noticed..
not that i really believe anybody's reading this..
but i've been writing more often..
that is, more often than once a week
i guess i'm trying to be more productive..
i know i say i'm busy all the time, and i am..
but that doesn't mean i'm actually producing something of value..
there's one more notion to ponder... productivity vs busy-work
(and i just realized that that's been around for awhile..
we all know i'm a bit slow.. it's these damn short legs..)

meanwhile, this 8am class is kicking my ass
yes.. u read right... 8am...
it's enough that it's in the ante meridiem...
it's so early that it's at that point in my sleep cycle where i can hear & feel nothing,
including, but not limited to, my alarm clock, a rooster, and an earthquake..
i am so screwed

April 05, 2004

the thing i dislike about spring the most is daylight savings
it's awful..
some people may think that sleep is wasteful..
but sleep is the most peaceful and beautiful thing between today and tomorrow..

sometimes i think i was a vampire in my last lifetime

April 01, 2004

it's april already... start of a new month and spring is here..
back in february i sketched out a career plan..
i know, it's very unlike me to do this..
but i thought it'd be fun and actually it's surprising..

i made a few short term and long term goals..
so far, 4 out of the 6 goals are either in progress or complete..
... i'm feelin pretty damn good...

somewhere over the rainbow way up high
and the dreams that you dreamed of
once in a lullaby~
somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly
and the dreams that you dreamed of
dreams really do come true

someday I'll wish upon a star
wake up where the clouds are far behind me
where trouble melts like lemon drops
high above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me