October 12, 2005

book me read

congratulate me.
i finally got on my ass and finished a book.
"life of pi" by yann martel.

it took me 6 additional months, but i picked it up again and decided that it was now or never.
i have to say, i loved it from the zoo to the sea..
and then the interview at the end...
but after the floating island, i thought the shores of mexico came rather abruptly...

nevertheless, martel has a way with words...
i don't know whether it was his or pi's,
but the descriptions weren't boring like "green trees" and "blue skies"...
they're alive and visible...
it's as if i didn't read the story, i saw it...

an excerpt... (here pi is at first struggling to come to terms with an athiest teacher, mr. kumar):

"i was more afraid that in a few words thrown out he might destroy something that i loved.
what if his words had the effect of polio on me?
what a terrible disease that must be if it could kill god in a man.
... He became my favorite teacher... ...It was my first clue that atheists are my brothers and sisters of a different faith, and every word they speak speaks of faith.
Like me, they go as far as the legs of reason will carry them -- and then they leap.
...it is not atheists who get stuck in my craw, but agnostics.
doubt it useful for awhile.
...but we must move on.
to choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation."

October 02, 2005

365 days...

it's been a year since our wedding..
in some way i'm amazed that we even got this far...
and in another way, i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we went another 20 or 30 rounds, excuse me, years...

so, how has this experience been??
calming... strangly interesting... daily learning something new..

i thought about this a year ago amidst all the wedding broo-ha-ha and hair pulling commotion...
and i think it still applies to the now...

the wedding was only one day...
it wasn't the wedding that was necessarily important..
it was the after... and still is..

and after the wedding, those petty skirmishes are also just 5 minutes out of a vast 24 hours...
i've found that it's a bit difficult to still be steaming mad for the remaining 23 hours and 55 min....

here is to tomorrow. salut.