May 24, 2004

ever since moving to oregon/vancouver i never made an effort to make friends..
i thought, i've already got the greatest friends, why would i need more?
but more came..

yesterday, a dear friend graduated from pnca
twas a lovely affair... a full house, inspiring speakers, and free food~
once again, i played the role of supportive friend..
taking pictures, holding flowers, guarding bags, and taking more pictures..
but hey, i'll do just about anything for free food..
except for sleep with someone..

and i digress..
the 2004 senior thesis exhibition is currently on display downtown at the cornelia & william t.c. stevens studios (if u get to main building, ask for the thesis annex)...
the exhibition is open tues - sat 11am-6pm through sat june 19th...
there's some really great art...
(pssst... look for esther lee's~)

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