November 14, 2004

newspaper headline: more cia officials consider quitting...
no big surprise...
the cia is an easy scapegoat when it comes to foreign affairs...

and now, director portor goss isn't in a pretty position..
on top of which his top aide, patrick murray, isn't playing nice with the other children..

but that's okay...
one of the candidates considered as a replacement is *ta-da* richard lawless..
a former cia ops officer who is currently deputy assistant secretary of defense for asian and pacific affairs
but that's not the
according to the article in the seattle times, after lawless left the cia he set up a consulting firm that did business in asia...
shortly after, who does he meet, but jeb bush...
yup... good 'ol jeb from florida... who at the time of meeting lawless was florida's secretary of commerce seeking business in asia....

yeah... it all comes back to bullsh... oops.. bush...
one big happy ignorant bred oil lovin american family...

jeebus help america...

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