February 03, 2005

to know...

there are some people out there..
or perhaps just one close by...

that upon first meeting, a silent connection is made...
no greeting is necessary...
as if u've known each other for a very long time...
and were only waiting for the moment to finally meet...
words of recognition or confirmation are meaningless...

a relationship where telapathy is real...
words are only used when required...
such precious breathe is not wasted on words..

all knowledge is acquired thru action..
nothing is assumed..
a connection where everything is already known...

i've known such a person since birth..
and that very same person knew me from before i was born...
he knows me still to this very day...
he knows me... and i know him... we are truly kindred spirit..

i suppose it's unusual to speak of one's father in this fashion...
but i cannot hide that which is true..

now that i'm married... i think back on my image of that "dream" husband..
and somehow i thought it would be someone who knew me so well that it would truly be,
that our eyes would be the windows to our souls..
and noone else but the both of us would "know"...

maybe someday..

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