July 04, 2003

this was yesterday's horoscope (from yahoo):
you may need some time alone today, dear libra, to bring yourself back to center
independence is a key buzzword, so keep it in your back pocket at all times
make sure you are not becoming a victim of a commitment you made long ago
as the landscape changes, we must also change
stubborn actions will be extremely detrimental on a day like this
be honest and grateful for the things you have

but someone got their stars crossed cuz that should be today's...
i don't usually believe in them...and i seek to read them even less...
but these days the coincidences are plenty
and are too frequent to seem like meaningless events that happen to occur at the same precise moment..
there must be planets in alignment, pigs flying, cats barking, and dogs meowing....
whatever is happening, i can only hope that it will continue in abundance..

btw, the total eclipse will be on november 23, 2003..
and they say the best place to see it will be from antarctica

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