June 19, 2004

i pulled this from my cousin's xanga site...
looked kinda fun... now i'm not so sure..

layer one: on the outside

name: sally kim
birthdate: 09-25-78
birthplace: Anchorage, AK
current location: Vancouver, WA
eye color: brown
hair color: black
righty or lefty: righty, but i'm not so sure about this question...hmm
zodiac sign: libra.. (chinese zodiac: horse)

layer two: on the inside

your heritage: korean-american (whatever that's supposed to mean lately)
shoes you wore today: sandals
your weakness: myself
your fears: horror movies
your perfect pizza: thai chicken pizza from california pizza kitchen (bellevue)
goal you'd like to achieve: great job, great husband, great kids..

layer three: yesterday, today, tomorrow

your most overused phrase on instant messenger: =P
your thoughts first waking up: where the f*** am i???
your best physical feature: my feet...
your bedtime: whenever wherever however...whatever it takes, i will get my sleep..
your most missed memory: skipping classes with friends and going for drives~

layer four: your pick

pepsi or coke: coke
mcdonald's or burger king: mcdonalds
single or group dates: Both
adidas or nike: adidas
lipton ice tea or nestea: lipton
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
cappuccino or coffee: coffee

layer five: do you?

smoke: used to..
cuss: hell yes!! but i try to respect those that don't enjoy it as much as me..
single: yeah.. i've got enough stress..
take a shower everyday: why??
have a crush(es): sure, why not.. they're less maintenance than real relationships~
think you've been in love: i like to think so..
liked high school: sure, it wasn't bad.. i actually had a good time..
want to get married: someday.. in a land far far away~
believe in yourself: yeah.. except for that other voice in my head.. i can't trust her..
get motion sickness: whenever i'm not driving..
think you're attractive: hmmm, i'd like to think i'm attractive.. cuz i don't think i'm fugly..
think you're a health freak: hahahaha...that's funny..the krispy kreme donuts in my digestive system are laughing too
get along with your parents: sometimes..
like thunderstorms: yeah.. i like it when nature yells back..(except for when she goes on a destructive rampage.. but then again, humans have been destructive for years)
play an instrument: piano... btw, i'm looking to buy one.. anyone selling?

layer six: in the past month

drank alcohol: well, i gotta do something now that i'm not doing drugs or smoking
done a drug: i've been pretty clean for 4 years.. yay~
gone on a date: sure
gone to the mall: a few times..
been on stage: oh dear god, no..
eaten an entire box of oreos: ewwww..
eaten sushi: no.. i miss it..
been dumped: in the past month? nope..
gone skating: nope.. i'm contemplating whether or not i really want bruises on my ass
gone skinny dipping: never...
dyed your hair: no, but i've recently received complaints that my hair is too black..
stolen anything: no..

layer seven: ever

played a game that required removal of clothing: no.. i tend to stay away from those kinds of situations..
been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yuppers..
been caught "doing something": doing wut? gotta be more specific~
been called a tease: i don't think i am, but some may beg to differ..
gotten beaten up: no.. and if i ever do, the other person is gonna look a helluva lot worse.. trust me
shoplifted: no.. too much guilt..
changed who you were to fit in: if anything, i tried not to fit in..

layer eight: getting older

age you hope to be married: hopefully before 30, but who knows and who cares.. if it happens, it happens.. if it don't, well, u get the idea
numbers of children: 2, one of my own and one adopted..
describe your dream wedding: a place with my man, our family, and our friends..
how do you want to die: in my sleep..
what do you want to be when you grow up: me.. no substitutions or preservatives
what country would you most like to visit: antarctica

layer nine: in a gal/guy

best eye color: hazel, green, or brown
best hair color: anything dark..
short or long hair: short
height: taller than me, but not too tall..
best first date location: anywhere together??
articles of clothing: as long as they're wearing clothes..

layer ten: in the numbers

number of people i could trust with my life: that's a powerful question.. perhaps i'm too trusting or i'm lucky but after much thought the number comes in at 8 or 9..
number of cd's i own: i haven't counted in a long time.. but i believe my last count was somewhere over 200 give or take 50..
number of piercings: two closed.. cuz i stopped wearing earrings when i was about 10..
number of tattoos: none, but i did think about it for a minute
number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper?: once that i recall, but my memory is shady..
number of scars on my body: like i have time to count.. i don't even know where half of them come from
number of things in my past that I regret: zero, zilch, nada

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